In This Article

RAR Ideas/Initiatives Overview

Ideas/Initiative List/Card View, Add and/or Configure.

Idea/Initiative Chart

Next Steps:

RAR Ideas/Initiatives Overview

The Ideas/Initiatives area of the RAR instance lists the Ideas/Initiatives linked by the reviewee in the RAR. This section will display the Ideas/Initiatives associated with the RAR that were added by the Reviewee. To enable this section within the RAR series, please navigate to Configure RAR Series.

Ideas/Initiative List/Card View, Add and/or Configure.

In the List/Card view, you can manage how the ideas/initiatives are displayed on the screen. By default, the screen appears in List view the first time you access it. However, when you switch to Card view, the initiatives will be displayed as depicted in the screenshot below: 

The Card view will display all the Ideas/Initiative cards according to their current stage, as well as the similar top-right icons on the List view to Add or Configure the Ideas/Initiatives.
To add an Idea/Initiative, click on the +Add button located on the top-right corner of the screen. Only those ideas/initiatives that the Reviewee has access to can be added to the RAR instance. This will open the Ideas/Initiative Search pop-up screen similar to the screenshot below:

You can filter for the Idea/Initiative you would like to add by filtering based on the idea/initiative name or code on the Search bar, according to Portfolio including the portfolio's Descendants or based on the Owner of the Idea/Initiative. You can navigate through the displayed options using the navigation buttons located at the bottom of the screen. After the preferred ideas/initiatives have been selected, click on the Add button located at the bottom-right corner of the screen to add the ideas/initiatives to the RAR instance. 
You can configure the Ideas/Initiatives displayed by clicking on the Configure button. This will open the configure pop-up screen displayed similar to the screenshot below:

On the Configure screen, you can rearrange the display of the ideas/initiatives by dragging and dropping the idea/initiative to the desired location as well as delete ideas/initiatives from the RAR instance by clicking on the bin icon. To exit the screen, click again on the Configure button to exit the view.

Idea/Initiative Chart

Upon clicking on an Idea/Initiative, the Idea/Initiative pipeline will be displayed from the Ideas/Initiative module. This chart will display similar to the screenshot below:

For more information on the above Idea/Initiative screen, please see the following article: Idea/Initiative Performance

Next Steps:

The next article is on the RAR Actions. For more details on the RAR Resources and Results, see RAR Overview.