When you click 'add' on the VDT View page, you will be taken to a new screen as shown below.
- The name of the VDT
- A description of the VDT
- This can be used for a full-text description of what the VDT does, the calculations involved, etc.
- The folder that the VDT will be stored in
- Defaults to the currently selected folder.
- Contains the list of fields contained within the VDT
- The drag handle on the left allows for reordering of the fields
- Clicking on the name of a field opens the Edit VDT Field Dialog
- Clicking on the Delete button removes the field from the VDT
- Opens the Create VDT Field Dialog
- Saves all changes to the VDT
VDT Field Dialog:
Depending on the type of the field (selected in the Type dropdown), different input fields will be displayed within this dialog. The complete list of fields are listed below.
- Name
- The name that will be displayed on the VDT for this field
- Reference
- A unique identifier for this field
- To be used in the expressions of calculated fields
- Must start with an alphabetic character and no spaces are allowed
- Example: x
- Type
- Baseline
- Indicates that the field represents the current/baseline value for all nodes
- All leaf nodes will allow for capturing values for this field
- Target
- Indicates that the field represents a future/target value for all nodes
- All leaf nodes will allow for capturing values for this field
- Actual
- Indicates that the values for this field are derived from input KPIs/calculations based on actual input values
- A From and To Date will need to be captured that will be used to filter the results from a KPI Actuals results.
- No capture fields will be shown for this field on the leaf nodes
- Calculated
- Indicates that this field’s value is derived from some combination of other field values
- Allows for capturing an expression to specify how this field is calculated
- This expression is global across all nodes in the VDT
- The position of this type of Node matters, as it depends on the above nodes when calculating.
- Baseline
- From
- Indicates the start date to be used for reading KPI values for the relevant nodes
- To
- Indicates the end date to be used for reading KPI values for the relevant nodes
- Expression
- The expression to be used to calculate the values for this field
- Based on a combination of other field references, expressions and functions
- See Expressions for more information