The target improvement calculated by an idea VDT determines the value of the idea.
If the annualised benefits option has been selected on the idea form then the benefits calculated by the VDT will be the benefits for a 12 month period (meaning if the benefits period is 2 years then the total benefit will be twice what the VDT calculates). If the annualised benefits option is off and benefit start and end dates have been set then the benefit calculated by the VDT will be the benefit over the whole benefit period regardless of its duration.
Use the legend to toggle between a Baseline vs Target, a MTD Actual vs Target, or a Budget vs Target VDT.
Download the VDT to an Excel file( either with comments or not). The Excel download is a static representation of the VDT.
Adding a Node:
If you add a Parent Node, the node will simply be the outcome of the nodes that feed into it (determined by the operation the user assigns between the children nodes).
Adding a “Comment” here will put the ‘comment’ icon at the bottom of the node.
If you add a Constant Value, the node will be a fixed value for the duration of the idea (this is a good way to ensure a ‘steady state’ situation when valuing the idea).
The “Expression” selection determines what mathematical relation this node will have to the other nodes.