Current Pipeline:
To view to the current pipeline view, navigate to Initiative Card view on the Initiatives module.
This view presents all ideas or initiatives that are active within the pipeline, where "Active" refers to the state of being either "Active" or "Approved." This information is shown on the Initiative Card view within the Idea/Initiative page.If any initiative is behind schedule, whether by stage or work plan, the status symbol will display in red to indicate it is behind, or in green if it is on track.
Cumulative Pipeline:
For more detailed information on the Cumulative Pipeline report, kindly see this article: Cumulative Pipeline Report
The Cumulative Pipeline view works in intervals from the specified date from the filters selected, then builds the number of required periods. This view is obtained from the Cumulative Pipeline report in the Reports module, which is accessed based on role permissions.
The report provides initiative values for a month based on each Initiative Timeline. If the system contains 100 initiatives, and 20 of them are scheduled to be in the "Implementing" stage (even if only 5 actually are or were in that stage during the month), it will display all 20 as per the timeline.
The system uses the actual dates specified in the Initiative Timeline for Stages with start dates earlier than today when the report is viewed. For generating the forecast region, which is displayed with a grey background on the chart, it considers the target dates of the Initiative Timeline Stages.
For each month, the system accumulates the values of all ideas that are supposed to be in a particular stage by that month, based on the target dates specified in the Initiative Timeline.