Ensure your Role has the permission to Export Idea data to be able to use the API, see the image below:
Available Parameters: (Information will only be returned when the respective parameter is set to True)
- SiteId
- FromDate
- ToDate
- IncludeIdeas
- IncludeActions
- IncludeRisks
- IncludeTrackings
- IncludeInvestments
- IncludeStakeholders
- IncludeIdeaNotes
- IncludeWorkflows
- IncludeWorkflowNotes
- IncludeOwnerReviews
- IncludeAccess
- IncludeAuditlogs
- IncludeFinancials
- IncludeForecasts
- IncludeOwnerReviewActions
Returned Data:
PMO sites are to use this API.
Available Parameters: (Information will only be returned when the respective parameter is set to True)
- FromDate
- ToDate
- IncludeInitiatives
- IncludeWorkplan
- IncludeRisks
- IncludeTrackings
- IncludeAudits
- IncludeStakeholders
- IncludeWorkflows
- IncludeChangeRequests
- IncludeWorkflowNotes
- IncludeOwnerReviews
- IncludeAccess
- IncludeInvestments
An API Key can be generated on your Profile, see this article for more details: My Profile
Please take note the information requested is returned in JSON format and Custom Fields data is included as per below: