
These are the changes coming with version 2.7.

Note: The team is constantly improving the general performance of the system.

New Features: 

  • Enhanced Load Responsiveness: Improved the load responsiveness of the login and landing pages to enhance the initial user experience.
  • Comment Capability in the Initiative Workplan: Added a comment field in the Activity dialogue.

  • Display of 'Originator' in action/activity dialogues: Added a non-editable 'Originator' field to the following action/activity dialogues:
    • My Actions
    • Meeting Actions
    • Idea/Initiative Actions
    • RAR Actions

For version 2.7.5 (released 03/09/2024)

  • Emissions Initiative Impact and Marginal Abatement Cost Chart: Added the ability to categorize and filter emission initiatives on the MACC page by Technology Readiness Level (TRL) and Commercial Readiness Index (CRI). 

  • Emissions Scenario Planning: Enhanced Scenario Planning to display numbers in various formats for the Consumption view. 

  • Emissions Marginal Abatement Cost Chart: Introduced a new setting that allows clients to calculate the potential abatement of initiatives using either a discounted or non-discounted method for the MACC. 

  • Value Driver Tree Library: Streamlined the management of VDTs by enabling the transfer of a VDT created within an Initiative/Idea or Value Hound to the VDT Library, preserving its constant values. This allows for the retrieval and integration of these values back into an Idea/Initiative or Value Hound VDT, eliminating the need for re-entering data and enhancing efficiency. 

Bug fixes: 

  • Fixed an issue where a warning was displayed when importing Initiative Forecast percentages.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented users from adding new Overview types.
  • Resolved a timeout issue occurring when the IncludeAuditLogs and includeActions parameters were included in the Bulk Data Idea API call.

For version 2.7.5 (released 03/09/2024)

  • Resolved an issue where the Cash Flow Forecast import was only importing the name and categories but not the numerical values. 
  • Corrected overlapping dates in the Idea/Initiative Workplan for the CI version. 
  • Addressed a problem where the Ongoing Benefits value of an Idea/Initiative was not reflecting on the Benefits page after an import. 
  • Fixed an issue where Initiative Actions were not appearing on the RAR series in the PMO version when selected. 
  • Corrected the KPI modal (+Add KPI) on the Idea/Initiative Performance page to ensure proper filtering of the portfolio/organization structure.